Friday, May 09, 2008

Prayer for Myanmar

Father, we continue to pray today for the situation in Myanmar. We cannot comprehend the current level of suffering that is going on, but we know that you do. We pray that the current impasse between the global community and the junta will not be prolonged but that a resolution can be found as quickly as possible so that much needed aid will be brought into the country. We pray that all the resources allocated will be used optimally and that you will limit the spread of disease. We pray for the aid workers on the ground, that you will give them much needed strength. We pray for your people in Myanmar, that even now, they will know of your love and compassion and that they will be able to share this with others. We know Lord that you will be able to bring good out of suffering and we pray that the hope of the gospel will be clear even now.



Blogger Tony Siew said...

Dear BK,

Yes we will pray for Myanmar and China as well. Thanks for putting my posts on race on your blog and I am pleased that you enjoyed reading them. Good to know that you are from SIB (Sarawak?) as well. God bless you in your job search.

10:02 am  

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