Thursday, January 11, 2007

Interruption to normal service

UPDATE 24/1/2007: As I probably won't have a computer for another month, I'm afraid there won't be much here till end of February at the earliest. But the detoxing from the presence of a computer doesn't have to be a bad thing. :)

This is just to let you all know that I am currently without a computer and a connection to the internet at home, so that will definitely mean that blogging will probably be infrequent for as long as this situation persists. (I am currently writing from my college library.)

Monday, January 01, 2007

starting 2007 with trepidation

I had a rather prolific December; especially as I was just trying to get myself back into the habit of blogging. But now that the holidays are over, I'm afraid the deluge will slow down somewhat. Still, I'll try to be better than my once-a-month output of yesteryear. I wonder what 2007 will bring? I'm caught between wanting to know and running off in the other direction, screaming like a banshee.

I probably won't have a chance to finish off all the Urbana talks, but I was particularly struck by the one on Dec 29 (morning), by the video ('Purchasing power') and Ajith on Ephesians 4. If you've got 35 minutes to spare, do listen. Anyway, here are some other people on Urbana: