Since it is the new year, I thought it might be a good idea to take stock of my blogging, something I haven't done for a while. Having blogged very little in 2006, I picked up the pace
this last year from March onwards, when I got hold of a new laptop.
ThisLast year, I found myself blogging more explicitly on biblical passages, such as
2 Timothy or various psalms, such as
Psalm 8. In addition, I briefly worked through
the complementarian and egalitarian positions, which also got me quite a few google hits. I think this renewed focus parallels what's happening in my life outside the virtual world, where I both gained a renewed confidence that the Scriptures are the speech-acts of God and a realisation that I needed to try to get a better grasp of what the Bible says. In other words, I needed a better handle on the basics first before going for the
cheem (deep) stuff! And committing words to screen has proven helpful in doing this.
I found myself reading more biblioblogs
this last year, most of them not on my blogroll, such as the always enlightening
Euangelion. I had fun too discovering some Malaysian blogs such as
pearlie and
Lim Kar Yong. It seems like you can easily access the thoughts of just about any well-known scholar these days; I noticed, for example, that OT professor
Peter Enns is the latest to join the blogosphere.
the wrap, I instituted
Wordsmiths this last year, where I featured various literary pieces, mainly poetry. It also helps with my blogging rhythm, I noticed. In fact,
Paul David Tripp's Psalm 51 inspired poem was one of my most popular posts. One of the things I'm considering doing this year is actually doing a regular book post, since I am a bibliophile after all. But I'm not quite sure what - perhaps highlighting various books that are coming out?
The highlight of the year was discovering that I had made
Stephen Murray's blogroll, although I have no idea why! I'm the least illustrious and intelligent member of the group on his sidebar.
I expect that when I get a job blogging output would once again be reduced, which is not necessarily a bad thing.
Anyway, the floor is open to all of my readers now. I need feedback. What have you liked about my blogging? What could be better? (I know that I break one of the cardinal rules of blogging often, and that is to be concise!) My writing style? (I experiment so much less these days). One thing I'm quite curious about, how many of you use RSS/Google Reader/etc. to read this blog? Plus anything and everything else. No asking to redesign my blog though, I don't have the time! And feel free to comment anonymously, if you're shy-shy one.
Labels: blogging, personal reflections
Thanks for the massive compliment - the honour is all mine.
Feedback anyone? My 3 or 4 regulars, lurkers?
I say definitely keep blogging about books coming out, your opinion about ones already out, etc. I really enjoyed that aspect and asked for a few books for Christmas because of it. I say just keep on keeping on. To me the best blogging is of what the Lord is revealing to a person day to day, like the blogs where you talked about a guy you met at church, etc. And then what that means about today and what it means for tomorrow. that's all I've got.
thanks for that! I'm quite a bookish person but I'm quite aware that not everyone enjoys books the same way I do so I do try to tone it down on this blog. But it's nice to know that I've influenced a few purchases. Now when is somebody going to buy me the books I want...
I have often heard and agree that you should naturally blog on things you're interested in (and vice versa) but I guess sometimes I wonder if ppl just aren't enthused about the same things I am, especially since I don't often get comments. I shouldn't worry so much but I guess it's natural to do so.
As an INFJ, I oscillate between being affiliative and being private (which sometimes manifests itself in what might look like aloofness) and I think that translates over into my blogging about personal issues. :>
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