Monday, August 27, 2007

random thoughts are a few bits and pieces that have been floating around in my head and were too undeveloped to deserve a post of its own, but needed to be made a little more concrete...

...i forget sometimes that blogs are public, especially as this blog has what, 10 readers? and therefore it's easy to project a more self-righteous self than is actually the case, and not to practise what i preach... john has been the book i've been reading for quiet times over the summer, and while it can be confusing - i bet he wasn't a linear thinker! - the big theme stares you in the face: loving one another (referring to Christians here). and i was thinking, and we all know this, that it's easier to round on those who we are closer, more familiar with. so for example, in light of the recent gay church controversy. i know that they were enthusiastic brothers and sisters who in their zeal, probably didn't handle the matter correctly. but sometimes i wondered, we bend over backwards to rightly show grace to our homosexual people out there, but fail to show the same grace to our fellow christians. sure their language was a little wrong-headed and love, of course, includes correction, but the disdain we show for them, that didn't always sit right with me...

...been reading de zengitota's mediated, which is basically postmodernism 101 applied. but his observations were very striking on just how self-obssessed our culture is, and just how much we default to therapeutic explanations. it was scary really. i've also been reading david wells' god in the wasteland, and the title says it all...

...jesus as judge is not something we think about much. if anything, it's something we automatically recoil against, and seems out of sync with jesus as friend, brother, saviour, priest etc. and it seems so negative. but it is a picture found in the new testament, and judgement is part of the message the apostles preached. so what does that mean for today?...

...just over a week ago i wrote an email to a good friend of mine, and mentioned how our ordinary lives are just messy. coincidentally, my brother, in an email back to family, mentioned the exact same thing. and it's true - our ordinary, day-to-day lives are messy. many times i hear a friend talk about a problem or a struggle and i have no idea what to say. this is where the rubber meets the road, and where we really begin to understand what it means to trust god... it just me, or is philip pullman boring?...

...oh, and happiness is being able to read empire and slam on a lazy Sunday afternoon and being persuaded to go out for a curry with the church family...

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Blogger Tim said...

haha YES phillip pulman is boring! ive been waiting for someone else to realise that too :)

i seriously think he could take a few lessons from JK in how to write a 900 page novel and not send his readers to sleep in the process..

8:53 am  
Blogger BK said...

i'm giving him a chance - i'm 2/3 through Northern Lights and will wait till at least The Subtle Knife before I pass judgment. He must have some merit; after all, one of the Oxford faculty offered a lecture series: "Philip Pullman and John Milton" in my final year there, a brave move on his part!

9:40 pm  

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