Tuesday, March 11, 2008
About Me
- Name: BK
- Location: Sarawak, Malaysia
BK is: A Christian. A Malaysian. An apprentice (but not the Alan Sugar/Donald Trump kind!). A reader. A pop culture addict? A Man U fan. An avid follower of the NBA. An INFJ. Trying to be a good friend. Often confused about things. Tension personified. BK also contributes to The Agora

A summary of the Christian message

♣ My blogging code of ethics
Alt. version part 1, part 2, part 3
Recent Comments
Currently Reading
[last updated 16/12/2009]
Critically acclaimed YA novel on teenage alienation. I wasn't disappointed. The narrative voice was pitched right; it's angsty for sure but what angst!
Bestselling series, featuring the only female detective agency in Botswana. Thought I'll pick it up. About to get into it, meant to be really fun.

I didn't get to finish this abridged edition, borrowed from the library, but I enjoyed reading what I did. It's much more pastoral than I expected. This is one of the Christian classics of all-time.

A superb treatment of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit for a popular audience by one of the best charismatic scholars of our time.

Early birthday gift. I've read through it fairly quickly the first time, and liked it a lot and the thoughts it sparked. Looking forward to systematically working through it another time.
Please feel free to ask if you want to borrow something!
[last updated 7/8/2009]
Will try to update this again soon! *
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Previous Posts
- Elections: facts, figures, quotes
- Malaysia's coming of age
- Malaysiakini is free
- The Bible and Other Faiths 4
- The Bible and other Faiths 3
- Evening service: a chronological account
- Hermeneutics quiz
- Oh, and btw
- Apologetics in the service of God
- Wordsmiths: The Joy of words
UK Time (BST) |

BK wishes to thank the Au Yongs for help with the header.
All posts are timestamped GMT.
For an explanation of the title of this blog, go here.
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