Thursday, December 06, 2007

BK's Bibliolatry

Warning, this is a self-indulgent post. I'd like to think I rarely do those and so I'm allowed to be cut some slack once in a while. I did feel a little conflicted about putting this post up, but (un)fortunately, the bibliophile (bibliolater?) in me won out. So, since I've been running with the book theme recently, here is (an extremely condensed version of) my wishlist!

  • The ESV Literary Study Bible
    At the moment I only own two Bibles, my well-worn pocket NIV and the NIV study Bible. The ESV has established itself as my comparative version of choice, and my church preaches using the ESV. The characteristics of this particular study Bible is pretty unique, focusing on the literary features of the text. I especially like that it's single column; even a simple change from the traditional two column can sometimes make a reading feel fresh.
  • The Gospel in a Pluralist Society by Leslie Newbigin
    A famous book on an important and timely issue.
  • Volumes in the New Studies in Biblical Theology
    I already own Neither Poverty nor Riches, Christ Our Righteousness, Possessed by God and Hearing God's Words. I'll especially love From Every People and Nation, Salvation to the Ends of the Earth, A Clear and Present Word, The Cross From a Distance and Contagious Holiness but they're all good! :-D
  • Colossians (NIVAC) by David Garland
    Might be leading a Bible study on this some time next year, so will come in useful!
  • Two Views on Women in Ministry (rev. ed), edited by Stanley Gundry and James Beck
    Well, I did do an extensive series on this topic so it'd be nice to follow up. :)
  • Through a Screen Darkly by Jeffrey Overstreet
    Don't know if this belongs here or the Christian section, but I'd love to read his reflections as a Christian on film!
  • The Gift by Lewis Hyde
    Such an interesting topic! Has been recommended by a lot of authors such as Margaret Atwood.
  • From Homer to Harry Potter: A Handbook on Myth and Fantasy by Matthew Dickerson and David O'Hara
    There're quite a few works of literary criticism that I'd love to get actually, and this is one of them.
Oklah, feel guilty enough already. My Amazon wishlist is longer! And my secret wishlist even longer (that's probably in the hundreds, but to make that public reveals the sinful covetousness of my heart)!

End indulgent post.

† Expand post

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1 comment

Blogger pearlie said...

haha ... SO love the word, and I am shamefully 101% guilty.

2:17 am  

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