Thursday, October 04, 2007

The wrap

W-att? R A P
Serving internet addicts and compulsive clickers since WWII.

First up is a project worthy of your attention. Open Source Mission is an initiative courtesy of some of the folks over at The Agora, seeking to translate contemporary Christian literature into various languages, including BM. It's entirely volunteer-driven, and dependent on people willing to donate their time and effort. If you're interested, click here to find out more.

A fascinating column from The Star: One race, two sets of views, detailing the demographics of the Chinese community in Malaysia from a socio-political angle. That they mainly fall into the two distinct groups of being either Chinese or English-educated will not be news to many, but what caught me by surprise was the disparity in numbers; I was not expecting an 85:15 ratio! I obviously fall into the latter category, and found the article fair in its characterisation (although with a pro-government slant tacked on at the end) and informative. [HT: budding scholar Lim Kar Yong]

Being anti-social me, I'm not one for social-networking sites, but even I have found Facebook compelling. With it, though, comes a reshaping of social dynamics, one which I either had never encountered before or was too naive to realise. Do I add that "friend" when I've only said hi to her once; this probably being connected to how introverts and extroverts define "friend" differently? This piece, Virtual Friendship and the New Narcissism, is by far the best article I've seen written so far on social networking and its implications for social interaction, identity formation etc. It's a little long, but I think definitely worth the slow read. I commend it whole-heartedly.

If this is true, I'm really disturbed. The plight of Nordin Ahmad and the extent of corruption in the police force of Malaysia. *lights a candle*

Helen Ang's commentary on the state of dissension in Malaysia.

A funny extract on love from The Essential Guide to being a Girl. That's the sequel to the surprise bestseller hit of last year, The Dangerous Book for Boys. Both books trade on the gimmick of unabashed nostalgia, whereby they are presented as tomes which hark back to a simpler, more black-and-white times.

Do you love books? The ethics of handling - and manhandling - a book. Originally from the Chicago Tribune.

And check out this massive photo collection of some of the most breathtakingly beautiful libraries in the world! I've studied in the Duke of Humphries and the British Library, as well as the Radcliffe Camera, although the Camera, while absolutely beautiful to look at, can be dark and depressing.

Ben Witherington on the relationship of the OT to the NT according to the Church Father Chrysostom.

J.P Moreland succintly shows us what Jesus believed about Scripture.

Phil Ryken on mercy ministry from a Reformed perspective. Conclusion: "it is not just part of our theology that calls us to mercy ministry; it is everything in our entire theology. We must never forget that every doctrine that is taught in every part of Scripture from creation to the final judgment compels us to show the mercy of God to lost sinners, in the gospel of His Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit."

And Stephen Murray reminds us of both the gospel and its entailments, without confusing the two.
[definition of entailments]

Never noticed this blog before - Parchment and Pen. Worth a check from time to time.

Our longings for our pretense to meet our reality - a primer on authenticity.

Abortion is hardly the sexy subject of the moment, but when even a feminist is repulsed, let's not completely forget it either.

Even the smiley has a story! Digital 'Smiley Face' turns 25. :-)

I think that should keep you happy. The Wrap. The source that you can trust. Sort of.

† Expand post

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