Saturday, December 16, 2006

A text-only post

You would be looking at some nice pictures, but for the fact that I can't seem to find my camera USB cable. Just one in a long line of things I seem to have lost in my move to my current pad. For one, I can't find a particular mug, which had my name and college crest on it - it was a farewell gift - which is rather annoying. I've also lost a notepad full of notes from my time reading the Bible with a mentor. And my nailcutter. Yes, my nailcutter. People, don't lose your nailcutter - it is extremely irritating to be unable to cut your nails.

Anyway, I was hoping to show you a night shot of Tower Bridge, one of my favourite sights in London, although it isn't as nice a photo as those you can see on postcards (Just Google images it and you'll see what I mean.) I've also had fun this weekend at the Frost Fair which was held by the riverside - music, entertainers, pasar malam, all good. Nice break really. And nice food - how about Argentinian steak with chimichurri sauce and churros with chocolate? The Argentinians were doing so well that they jacked up the price midway through!

Sure beats this, anyway.
cartoon from

Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.

Next: My top 10 books of the year

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oi! droping by to say hi....haha...
how's everything man? haven't heard from you for a long time. how's everthing coming on? work? life?
i have one more sem to go then i'll be joining u in the dog eat dog world...haha...

10:49 am  

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